Translating C# LINQ collection queries into JavaScript
If you are a C# developer then you'll be familiar with LINQ (Language-Integrated Query). In this post I provide some examples of how you can perform equivalent functions in JavaScript.
If you are a C# developer then you'll be familiar with LINQ (Language-Integrated Query). In this post I provide some examples of how you can perform equivalent functions in JavaScript.
Free online and offline tools that can help compact and optimise your CSS stylesheets and JavaScript files. This will ensure your website loads quickly and will also keep your code concise and fast.
Minification is the process of removing unnecessary whitespace and characters from your website assets without changing the functionality. This is desirable as it helps make your pages load quicker which, in turn, helps keep visitors happy and also can improve your SEO.
How you can use the new jQuery Templates plug-in to easily bind JSON data (returned from a simple Ajax request) to placeholders in your HTML to create rich, client-side templates.
How I created a very simple jQuery plugin that can be used to rotate a sequence of images as the background image on any element. I also explain how this plug-in differs from a standard carousel in its intent and execution. The post contains a demonstration, sourcode and a download option.